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Breaking through the smoke & mirrors of generative AI: Practical advice & applications with Forrester

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Join this engaging conversation with a leading Forrester analyst and Grid Dynamics as they discuss the real-world challenges and opportunity of integrating Generative AI into enterprises

About this event

Unveil the true value of enterprise AI

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence, it's easy to get lost in the hype and confusion. Join us for an enlightening webinar where we'll cut through the smoke and mirrors surrounding generative AI and provide you with actionable insights that you can implement in your enterprise right away.

Fireside chat

Engage in a dynamic conversation with our expert panel as they discuss the real-world challenges and opportunities of integrating generative AI into your enterprise. Bring your burning questions for a live Q&A session that promises to be informative and enlightening.

  • What is generative AI and what it is not

  • What pragmatic use cases we are seeing in key industry verticals

  • How Enterprises are starting genAI journey: value/complexity map

  • What are the challenges on the genAI journey: Business, Technology, Security, Productization

  • Dealing with Privacy challenges

Our speakers, Eugene Steinberg, technical fellow at Grid Dynamics, and Rowan Curran, analyst at Forrester, bid farewell to the smoke and mirrors that often obscure the true potential of generative AI. Explore real-life applications, and learn how to cut through the hype to achieve tangible, practical results for your enterprise.

As a special thank you for joining our webinar, all registered participants will receive a complimentary generative AI readiness guide, packed with actionable steps to prepare your enterprise for a successful AI journey.


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