Grid Dynamics recognized as Google Cloud leader by Everest Group

Digital customer experience

Create advanced omni-channel digital experience platforms using the best open source and proprietary technologies.

We help business and technology leaders plan and execute digital experience programs with major business impacts:

  • Release new features faster with open platform architecture
  • Harmonize customer experiences across channels
  • Optimize search and browse using machine learning methods
  • Enable advanced loyalty programs
  • Personalize interfaces and marketing messages using AI
  • Implement innovative features such as visual search and chatbots
  • Omnichannel platform

    An extensible omnichannel digital customer experience platform that ensures seamless customer engagement is the foundation of competitive advantage in many industries, including retail, high-tech, media, and finance.

    We have built omnichannel platforms that accelerate digital growth and increase conversion at $10B revenue scale for Fortune-1000 companies, and have deep experience in virtually all aspects and components of such platforms, from interfaces (mobile, web, conversational, PoS) to back-end (search, catalog, pricing engine, loyalty, cart, checkout, inventory, order management) to cloud infrastructure and DevOps.

  • Product discovery

    Product search and browsing play the central role in virtually all omnichannel commerce solutions, and determine the quality of user experience as well as conversion rates. We have increased conversion rates by over 20% with AI-powered search engines for the world’s largest retailers and many smaller companies, and offer many innovative solutions in this area, including semantic search and visual search.

  • Personalization and engagement

    In the digital world, it is hardly possible to create engaging customer experiences without strong technical capabilities. We help our clients to develop advanced loyalty systems, pricing and offer engines, and customer data platforms that create a strong foundation for efficient and intelligent customer communications. We also integrate these systems with marketing cloud products and data provides, develop personalization models, and other advanced components needed for winning the competition for customers.

  • Innovative experiences

    Competition, already-high industry standards, and demanding consumers require continuous experimentation with customer experiences and innovation. We offer emerging technology solutions such as augmented reality and conversational user interfaces that help to take the customer experience to a new level.


We create digital experience platforms for many companies in the retail, finance, and technology industries.

Our latest thinking on efficient operations

Unified commerce: making the most of a true omnichannel experience
We discuss business drivers behind developing a unified commerce experience, obstacles to building it out, and several technology capabilities that help to close the gap.
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How to build a pricing engine for e-commerce promotions and offers
We have had the privilege of working with some large retailers on the design and implementation of these next-generation pricing engines, which are built with open-source technologies and run on the cloud. In this blog post, we will describe our approach to building microservices architecture for a modern pricing, offers, and promotion engine learned over several large-scale implementations with the leading omnichannel retailers.
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Boosting product discovery with semantic search
Search probably would have been a long-solved problem if human language were a well-defined, thought-through, and strict construct. If it were, our daily communication would be fast, clear, precise — and extremely colorless and dull. So, unfortunately for search engineers and fortunately for everybody else, human language is an extremely complicated system riddled with redundancies and ambiguities. In this blog post, we discuss what language phenomena semantic searching has to understand and how to approach semantic search with some powerful information retrieval techniques.
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Our clients

Finance & Insurance

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