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Continuous delivery

Increase speed to market while raising quality and reducing cloud costs.

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How does lightweight continuous delivery work?

Most companies undergoing a digital transformation, cloud migration, microservices adoption, and DevOps enablement programs do not realize the full power of end-to-end continuous delivery. Teams tend to stop at automating the continuous integration process and leave their existing change management procedures in place. 

Our approach to implementing continuous delivery is to analyze core change management policies, but importantly to also redesign procedures and implement processes from scratch to take advantage of modern tooling and DevOps best practices. As a result, we implement a lightweight pipeline that satisfies the most rigorous change management policies while boosting the time to market by 10x and cutting infrastructure costs in half.

How to measure continuous delivery?

When assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the continuous delivery process, we evaluate a number of metrics. We take the metrics defined in the Accelerate book, and extend them:

  1. Lead time to change - a time between a code commit and production deployment. In some cases, measuring lead time to change can start from the creation of a requirement or starting of the development process. However, since development speed heavily depends on the complexity of requirements, it is not always possible to do it.
  2. Deployment frequency - the number of production deployments over a period of time. 
  3. Meantime to restore - how long does it take to roll back to the last stable version in case the deployment went bad.
  4. Change fail percentage - what percentage of production deployments fail.
  5. Cost of CICD pipeline execution - how much does it cost to execute a continuous integration, delivery, and deployment for a single change.
Continuous Delivery Blueprint
Continuous Delivery Blueprint
This book is a comprehensive guide to building a robust and efficient change management process at scale.


We bring more than 10 years of experience in implementing continuous delivery processes and adopting DevOps best practices for Fortune-1000 enterprises. Together with cloud migration, automation, and microservices architecture adoption, we can achieve a 10x speed to market increase. This is all while raising quality and efficiency in complex enterprise environments with thousands of developers and thousands of applications. We inject our digital-native culture and lead by example to demonstrate the value of DevOps and spread it across the teams in the enterprise.

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