Grid Dynamics recognized as Google Cloud leader by Everest Group

AI data analytics features

Query data with natural language processing

Query data in natural language

Query your data using a Google-like interface that uses natural language processing to provide relevant insights, automatically visualized on dynamic dashboards.


Get natural language answers

Ask business questions and get business intelligence insights summarized by Generative AI as relevant, human-readable natural language text.

Generative AI summary answers to business questions
Ask questions in plain English and receive immediate, relevant answers based on your data

Unlock your organization's knowledge with the ease of natural language

For decades, extracting meaningful insights from unstructured data has been a formidable challenge.  Now, you can effortlessly ask questions in plain English and receive immediate, relevant answers based on your data. No more sifting through a barrage of links - get direct, actionable insights.


Build confidence in your data with AI

Your insights are only as good as the quality of your data. Collecting, organizing, and standardizing data from multiple sources can now be an automated process.

AI can harmonize data collected from different countries and regions, software systems, 3rd party sources, or across time periods.

Automate data harmonization
Automate product attribution with generative AI

Enrich your product data with AI

Retailers and brands have invested countless hours and dollars into high-fidelity attribution of their catalogs to enable quality search and faceted navigation user experience, but many, especially marketplaces, still face major challenges.

Generative AI streamlines and simplifies the attribution process by analyzing all product data to automatically identify and assign relevant attributes.


Discover customer experience insights

Customer experience optimization is critical in the digital age. If you don’t have your finger on the pulse of what your customers love, want and expect, you are bound to lose them.

Now you can improve customer satisfaction, as well as your products or services, by asking questions about customer interactions in natural language and getting insight summaries from multiple data sources in seconds.

Improve customer satisfaction with insight summaries of what they love, want and expect
Generative language models accelerate data processing

Facilitate data engineering with AI

Managing massive amounts of data can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. With generative language models you can accelerate the development of data quality checks, ETL jobs, data schemas, and data catalogs.


Best-of-breed data analytics and AI solutions

Make intelligent data-driven decisions and gain a competitive advantage with custom solutions that leverage advanced language models offered by our cloud partners, and integrate AI-powered Business Intelligence tools for a best-of-breed, future-proof solution.

Best-of-breed data analytics and AI solutions

Our clients

Finance & Insurance

How it works

Big data analytics and artificial intelligence solution architecture
Product-centric solutions

We create state-of-the-art data analytics solutions using AI-powered Business Intelligence products from our partners.

Custom solutions using cloud models

We use building blocks from major cloud providers and other partners to create custom data platforms and BI solutions with AI features.

Private models

If clients need to create highly specialized and secure business analytics solutions with AI features, we use custom models and infrastructures to meet these requirements.

Learn more

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