Grid Dynamics recognized as Google Cloud leader by Everest Group

Retail and brands

We are an innovation partner for 7 of the 25 largest U.S. retailers. We help industry leaders, as well as smaller brands and retailers, create state-of-the-art digital experience platforms, MarTech ecosystems, personalization engines, and intelligent supply chain solutions.

What we do for retailers and brands

customer experience

Digital experience platforms

We create scalable omni-channel digital experience platforms for leading retailers and brands. We are well known across the industry for establishing technology platforms and development infrastructures that enable companies to continuously innovate and delight their customers with advanced eCommerce features and superior shopping experiences.

customer experience

MarTech ecosystems

We design and implement marketing technology ecosystems that include customer data platforms, AI-driven personalization and recommendation components, and integrations with leading marketing process automations solutions. We combine open source technologies, customer data from LiveRamp and Epsilon, and best marketing products from Adobe, Salesforce, and IBM to create the most advanced, efficient, and intelligent martech solutions.

customer experience

eCommerce search engines

Product discovery is the key capability in eCommerce, and we are known as the industry leader in advanced text search and visual search solutions. We use the latest natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision methods and technologies to create superior user experiences and achieve outstanding conversion rates.

Our retail & brands clients

Finance & Insurance
customer experience

Personalization solutions

Advanced analytics and personalized experiences is the key to efficient marketing operations and customer loyalty. We create industry-leading personalization and recommendation models using deep learning and reinforcement learning technologies, and tightly integrate these intelligent components with transactional systems and digital channels.

back office

Inventory management solutions

Supply chain management, assortment management, and safety stock optimization are among the most important functions in any retail business. We combine deep domain knowledge, outstanding application development skills, and latest AI technologies to create efficient and intelligent inventory management and optimization solutions.


Cloud and data platforms

Great digital experiences require great computational and data infrastructures. We create data processing pipelines, data lakes, and cloud-native analytics solutions that can handle billions of web events and petabytes of customer data to power the most demanding analytics and personalization solutions.

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