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Migrate from Endeca with us

Still running Endeca for your product discovery? Let’s face it: Endeca is now a legacy and stays on the way of innovation, business agility and resilience. It lacks personalization, can’t employ customer engagement data to improve query understanding and ranking, can not handle real-time inventory, price and promotion updates.

Our clients

Finance & Insurance

Accelerate implementation with our Endeca migration blueprint

We created our Endeca migration blueprint based on experience and lessons learned in our large scale implementations with Fortune-500 enterprises. Our strategy is focused on open source and cloud native software, microservices and APIs approach. We rely on containerisation and K8s for seamless deployment and support of any major cloud partner: AWS, Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure. Accelerate implementation with our Endeca migration blueprint
  • Open architecture Open source technologies and open cloud native architectures unlock innovation within your ecommerce platform
  • Semantic search Advanced query understanding with concept search service and natural language processing.
  • Elasticity and peak readiness Cloud infrastructure provides just-in-time capacity and high availability
  • Highly scalable and robust Share-nothing microservices ensures high scalability and resilience
  • Data scalability. From tens of thousands to hundreds of millions items in the catalog - horizontally scalable search indexes scale with your data.
  • High throughput. Battle tested cloud architecture handling thousands of parallel sessions.
  • Low latency Optimized search indexes deliver under 100 ms latency for most queries
Technology stack
  • Infrastructure: AWS, GCP or Microsoft Azure - all major cloud providers are supported. Private cloud option is available as well

  • Orchestration: K8s or its cloud wrappers

  • Search engine: Elasticsearch or Solr Cloud

  • Microservices: Spring Boot or Netflix stack

  • CMS: wide choice of open source and cloud headless CMS

  • Messaging: Kafka or cloud native messaging services

Read more about our Endeca replatforming case studies

How to replatform e-commerce search from Endeca to Solr
This case study introduces one of our Endeca migration journeys to the cloud-based open source search engine. We cover our approach, methodology and technical blueprint
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High-performance auto parts search: moving from Endeca to Elasticsearch
In this case study, we explore how to we helped auto parts retailers to migrate and break free from Endeca performance limitations with low latency cloud-based search engine
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How to replatform Endeca Rules
In this case study, we describe how to implement Endeca business rules migration with open source search engines
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