Grid Dynamics recognized as Google Cloud leader by Everest Group

PCF to AKS migration starter kit features


Adopt cloud and microservices with confidence

Combining Grid Dynamics’ custom microservices platform experience with Microsoft Azure cloud migration expertise, we have created a comprehensive Starter Kit leveraging Azure Migrate blueprints for fast, seamless cloud migrations from PCF (now called VMware Tanzu) to Azure Kubernetes Service. As an enterprise entering the world of cloud and microservices for the first time, you can rest assured that you’ll be up and running in a matter of days, with much more time to focus on your newfound business value.

From months to days with Microsoft Azure cloud-native components

Azure Migrate provides a simplified migration, modernization, and optimization service that includes all pre-migration steps such as discovery, assessments, and right-sizing of on-premises resources for infrastructure, data, and applications. Coupled with Grid Dynamics’ microservices and CI/CD platform, you get a reliable foundation that boosts speed to market, cutting infrastructure provisioning time by at least 60% in a fully integrated cloud-native environment.

Azure Migrate service
microservices platform solution

Microservices platform: a predefined ecosystem blueprint

Our microservices platform is a pre-packaged solution that solves the common questions raised when migrating to a modern technology stack in the cloud:

  • How to reach my services?
  • How to deploy new versions? 
  • How to customize configuration?
  • How to implement observability?
  • How to secure credentials?
  • How to manage blue/green deployment? 

The platform provides capabilities for CI/CD processes, infrastructure automation, security and compliance management, and operational processes such as AIOps.

Microservices made easy with Azure Migrate

Based on the Azure Migrate framework, which is customized to support easier migration of real workloads and provide additional support for Code Build pipelines provisioning, the Pivotal Cloud Foundry to Azure Kubernetes migration Starter Kit includes CI/CD provisioning that requires no code changes on the application side, enables a secure workflow for credentials and secrets for applications, and provides capabilities for possible enhancements.

Cloud Foundry to Azure Kubernetes migration workflow

Business needs covered

  • cost savingsCost savings
  • infrastructure standardizationInfrastructure standardization
  • access to CICD automation and IaCAccess to CI/CD automation & IaC
  • fast migration processFast migration process
  • uses current source codeUses current source code
  • IaaS from the startIaaS from the start


Why move to Azure Kubernetes Service with our Starter kit

Our PCF to Azure Kubernetes Service migration Starter Kit ensures a quicker time to deployment and more seamless operations working on Microsoft Azure - a robust and scalable cloud vendor.
project timeline comparison with and without the starter kit

Pivotal Cloud Foundry to Azure Kubernetes migration process

Migration from Pivotal Cloud Foundry to Azure Kubernetes Service microservices and CI/CD platform starts with an assessment of the application portfolio. This includes the existing continuous delivery process and underlying technology stack. A number of considerations, such as the connectivity between applications, security requirements, technology stack dependencies, and complexity of applications, are made to determine the right sequence of migration.

As applications deployed in Cloud Foundry usually follow modern microservices and 12-factor design best practices, only limited, if any, modifications of application code are needed. After the base microservices and CI/CD platform is deployed in the cloud, applications are configured to use cloud-native dependencies such as DBs, caching, and messaging. Applications are then deployed and tested, data is migrated, and after final testing deployed to production.
Cloud Foundry to Azure Kubernetes migration process

More about microservices

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