Grid Dynamics recognized as Google Cloud leader by Everest Group

Grid Dynamics & Amazon Web Services

With 15 years of extensive expertise in Amazon Web Services, cloudops and DevOps, Grid Dynamics provides businesses with flexible and scalable solutions to drive digital value in the cloud.

Grid Dynamics is AWS 400 certified consulting partner

Amazon EKS Delivery Award

Grid Dynamics was founded as a cloud-native company with engineering and delivery excellence as pillars of our success. We also place tremendous value in partnerships, and our long-standing relationship with AWS is a shining example of hard work paying dividends. And so we are proud to announce that Grid Dynamics has added Amazon’s EKS Delivery award to our growing list of AWS specializations.

AWS Well-Architected Partner Program

Grid Dynamics leverages the Well Architected Framework as the basis of evaluating the performance, security, resilience, cost and manageability of our clients’ cloud platforms. As a leading engineering services provider we apply these core pillars and principles in how we design, implement and manage cloud. We offer a range of assessments that can be performed as a one time event, or on a recurring basis. Generally as we identify issues we provide recommendations and services to address any design or implementation issues to close gaps against leading practices. Couples with our DevOps and SRE services, we are your partner to ensure your cloud provides the capabilities your business needs to service your customers with the right experience, reliability and security.

News & Insights

From Data Lake to Analytics Platform
Over the last ten years, the role of data in modern enterprise has continued to evolve at a rapid pace. Companies launched initiatives to define and execute their data strategy, appointed Chief Data Officers, and created large teams to collect, manage, and generate insights from data. With increased awareness and higher demands for data, the concept of an analytical data platform evolved as well.
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If you want to accelerate your digital transformation and put innovation at the heart of your business, our team is here to help

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